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Canada is extending post-graduation work permits

On March 17, 2023, the Government of Canada issued a News Release announcing that international graduates with a recently expired or expiring post-graduation work permit (“PGWP”) will qualify for an additional or extended work permit for up to 18 months.

As of April 6, 2023, PGWP holders who wish to stay in Canada longer and continue to gain additional work experience will be able to take advantage of this measure and apply to extend their Work Permits.

Foreign nationals whose PGWP has already expired in 2023 and those who were eligible for the similar 2022 PGWP facilitative measure will also be able to apply for an additional 18-month Work Permit.

Foreign nationals with expired work permits will be able to restore their status, even if they are beyond the 90-day restoration period, and will receive an interim work authorization while awaiting a decision on their new Work Permit Application.

Through this measure, international graduates will continue to gain valuable work experience, contribute to Canada’s economy and prepare to apply for permanent residence in Canada.

We expect Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada will release more details on this measure on April 2023, stay tuned for an update.

As experienced Canadian immigration lawyers, we can help you with your immigration needs. If you are interested in working in Canada, get in touch with us at to help you explore your options.